Oldie Antenne Playlist - Jetzt läuft - Playlist heute
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03.03 02:47 - The Cure - Friday I'm in love (1992)
03.03 02:46 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
03.03 02:44 - Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes - Up where we belong (1982)
03.03 02:40 - Donna Summer - On the radio (1980)
03.03 02:37 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
03.03 02:35 - Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer (1984)
03.03 02:32 - Stevie Wonder - You are the sunshine of my life (1973)
03.03 02:31 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
03.03 02:29 - Barbra Streisand feat. Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers (1978)
03.03 02:25 - The Beatles - Hello goodbye (1967)
03.03 02:25 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
03.03 02:21 - Climie Fisher - Love changes (1987)
03.03 02:18 - Dolly Parton - 9 to 5 (1981)
03.03 02:14 - Cliff Richard - My Pretty One (1987)
03.03 02:14 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
03.03 02:11 - Barry Manilow - Can't Smile Without You (1978)
03.03 02:07 - Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) (1987)
03.03 01:58 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
03.03 01:57 - Neil Sedaka - Laughter In The Rain (1977)
03.03 01:54 - When In Rome - The Promise (1988)
03.03 01:53 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
03.03 01:51 - Gilbert O'Sullivan - Clair (1972)
03.03 01:46 - Animals - House of the rising sun (1964)
03.03 01:46 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
03.03 01:43 - Tina Turner - What you get is what you see (1986)
03.03 01:39 - The Jacksons - Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) (1978)
03.03 01:36 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
03.03 01:35 - The Rolling Stones - Start me up (1981)
03.03 01:34 - Clout - Save me (1979)
03.03 01:29 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
03.03 01:27 - Elton John - Kiss The Bride (1983)
03.03 01:24 - The Mamas & The Papas - Monday, monday (1966)
03.03 01:21 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
03.03 01:20 - Abba - Thank you for the music (1977)
03.03 01:16 - The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) (1988)
03.03 01:12 - Sade - Smooth operator (1984)
03.03 01:09 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
03.03 01:09 - Smokie - Oh Carol (1978)
03.03 01:04 - Big Country - Look away (1986)
03.03 01:00 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
03.03 01:00 - Bee Gees - Tragedy (1979)
03.03 00:56 - T'pau - China in your hand (1987)
03.03 00:54 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
03.03 00:54 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Nachrichten
03.03 00:51 - Johnny Hates Jazz - Shattered dreams (1987)