Oldie Antenne Playlist - Jetzt läuft - Playlist heute

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24.02 14:42 - Richard Marx - Right here waiting (1989)
24.02 14:41 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
24.02 14:38 - Carl Douglas - Kung fu fighting (1974)
24.02 14:35 - Dionne Warwick - Heartbreaker (1982)
24.02 14:33 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
24.02 14:31 - Status Quo - Whatever you want (1979)
24.02 14:28 - Nice Little Penguins - Flying (1994)
24.02 14:26 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
24.02 14:25 - Madonna - Material Girl (1983)
24.02 14:20 - Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - Still the same (1978)
24.02 14:17 - Stevie Wonder - For Once In My Life (1968)
24.02 14:14 - Pretenders - Don't get me wrong (1986)
24.02 14:09 - Buggles - Video killed the radio star (1979)
24.02 14:06 - Marillion - Kayleigh (1985)
24.02 13:55 - Tracy Chapman - Talkin' bout a revolution (1988)
24.02 13:53 - Four Tops - I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch) (1965)
24.02 13:50 - Queen - Flash (1981)
24.02 13:45 - Six Was Nine - Drop dead beautiful (1994)
24.02 13:40 - Mike & The Mechanics - The living years (1988)
24.02 13:36 - Eric Clapton - I shot the sheriff (1974)
24.02 13:31 - Eurythmics - Thorn In My Side (1986)
24.02 13:27 - Barry Manilow - Copacabana (1978)
24.02 13:22 - Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go (1984)
24.02 13:20 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
24.02 13:19 - Chicago - Baby, what a big surprise (1977)
24.02 13:17 - The Beatles - Good day sunshine (1966)
24.02 13:12 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
24.02 13:11 - Melissa Manchester - You Should Hear How She Talks About You (1982)
24.02 13:08 - Harpo - Moviestar (1975)
24.02 13:07 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
24.02 13:05 - Donna Summer - She works hard for the money (1983)
24.02 12:56 - Hot Chocolate - You sexy thing (1975)
24.02 12:55 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
24.02 12:54 - Men Without Hats - The safety dance (1982)
24.02 12:51 - Tom Jones - Help yourself (1965)
24.02 12:46 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
24.02 12:46 - Cheap Trick - The flame (1988)
24.02 12:43 - Gloria Gaynor - Never can say goodbye (1975)
24.02 12:40 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
24.02 12:39 - Mavericks - Dance the night away (1998)
24.02 12:35 - George Benson - Give me the night (1980)
24.02 12:34 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
24.02 12:30 - Sting - Englishman In New York (1987)
24.02 12:27 - The Temptations - My girl (1965)
24.02 12:24 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies