Oldie Antenne Playlist - Jetzt läuft - Playlist heute
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15.02 08:06 - Sting - Englishman In New York (1987)
15.02 07:57 - Cliff Richard - We don't talk anymore (1979)
15.02 07:53 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
15.02 07:53 - Miami Sound Machine - Bad Boy (1985)
15.02 07:51 - The Beatles - You're Going To Lose That Girl (1965)
15.02 07:19 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
15.02 07:18 - Tina Turner - We Don't Need Another Hero (Thunderdome) (1985)
15.02 04:42 - Aretha Franklin & George Michael - I knew you were waiting (1987)
15.02 03:54 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
15.02 03:54 - George McCrae - One Step Closer To Love (1984)
15.02 03:08 - Bonnie Tyler - It's a heartache (1977)
15.02 02:30 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
15.02 02:30 - Journey - Lights (1978)
15.02 02:19 - Bangles - Hazy shade of winter (1987)
15.02 01:59 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
15.02 01:59 - David Bowie & Pat Metheny Group - This is not America (1985)
15.02 00:09 - The Human League - Mirror man (1982)
15.02 00:07 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
15.02 00:06 - Nilsson - Without you (1972)
15.02 00:02 - Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton - Islands in the stream (1983)
15.02 00:01 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
15.02 00:00 - Oldie Antenne - Oldies but Goldies
15.02 00:00 - Oldie Antenne - Nachrichten
14.02 23:57 - Valerie Dore - The Night (ZYX Edit Remastered 2021) (1985)
14.02 23:54 - Cat Stevens - Morning has broken (1972)
14.02 23:50 - Howard Jones - Things Can Only Get Better (1985)
14.02 23:48 - David Garrick - Dear mrs. applebee (1966)
14.02 23:44 - Prince - The most beautiful girl in the world (1994)
14.02 23:41 - Eric Clapton - Lay down sally (1978)
14.02 23:38 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
14.02 23:37 - Carly Simon - Coming Around Again (1987)
14.02 23:33 - The Jacksons - Can You Feel It (1980)
14.02 23:29 - Kate Bush - Running up that hill (1985)
14.02 23:25 - Elton John - Sorry seems to be the hardest word (1977)
14.02 23:21 - Slade - Far, far away (1974)
14.02 23:18 - Billy Idol - Catch my fall (1985)
14.02 23:13 - Hot Chocolate - So you win again (1977)
14.02 23:10 - Cyndi Lauper - She bop (1984)
14.02 23:06 - Barry White & Love Unlimited - Let the music play (1976)
14.02 23:03 - Four Tops - Loco in acapulco (1989)
14.02 22:57 - Queen - Bicycle race (1978)
14.02 22:54 - The Mamas & The Papas - Dream a little dream Of Me (1965)
14.02 22:50 - OLDIE ANTENNE - Oldies but Goldies
14.02 22:49 - Joshua Kadison - Jessie (1994)
14.02 22:46 - Depeche Mode - Just can't get enough (1981)